Creative iPhoneographer Vanessa Penrose
Vanessa Penrose
Creative iPhoneography. By Vanessa Penrose.
Hello Vanessa! Could you tell us a little about how you got started with creative iPhone photography and art?
I have been interested in photography since the age of 15 when my parents bought me a SLR camera as a present. Although I have strayed into other mediums over the years I have recently rediscovered my interest in photography through iPhoneography. Having completed some of Kate’s courses, being introduced to the potential and connected with others with similar interests my interest in iPhoneography continues to grow and develop as I continue to explore iPhone technology and the world around me and within me. This is definitely a work in progress I have to say.
iPhoneography by Vanessa Penrose
How do you feel when you’re making iPhoneography images?
I feel curious and excited to see what I can do and create from what I see around me every day the potential feels limitless.
What are you thinking about most in your creative life these days?
I always carry my iPod with me (I do not have an iPhone but my iPod works very well) and I am always looking around me for a photograph opportunity. Exploring the world of iPhoneography has I feel brought the creative life into my every day not just something for later when I have some free time.
I continue to look for ways to integrate my creative life into my ‘real’ life… still working on that one.
Mobile art. By Vanessa Penrose.
At the moment I am curious about budding trees and flowers and the sun shining through leaves and trees and around buds and flowers and how I can capture this on the go using my ipod. I am also interested in the patterns they created against the sky, so I find myself under plants or trees looking up a lot.
By Vanessa Penrose.
By Vanessa Penrose
Are there any colours or textures that you keep returning to, in your images?
It’s kind of a movable feast – there are not any particular colours that I return to although I am interested in contrasts such as light/dark, bright colours and dark colours (tones) which is interesting to play with in the post processing stage. Texture and patterns seem to be a focus at the moment in the form of blossoms, budding trees and flowers, architecture and such. With respect to the apps I do enjoy creating texture using Tangled FX, Distressed FX or Repix and the textures created with Glaze can be interesting to particularly with flowers and blossoms.
I have been fascinated with a twisted hazel tree I have in the garden and the patterns the branches create against the spring/summer sky and the growth of the buds which have now become twisty leaves that the sun shines through.
By Vanessa Penrose.
Which are your favourite apps for expressing yourself creatively?
My favourite apps – umm! It’s difficult to choose it depends on what I’m trying to achieve with a picture (sometimes I don’t know I just go with the flow) – Snapseed is a good all rounder I particularly like to use the Drama and Grunge part of this app to create contrast and texture. Blender is another one I like to use - it is interesting to see a new picture emerge by the combination of 2 or more pictures. Dramatic HD can create some interesting black and white photographs. Tangled FX can add vibrant colours to a picture and some fascinating patterns and designs can emerge. Distressed FX can add interesting texture. I have just begun to explore Hipstamatic and feel this would be an interesting app to explore further with less of an emphasis on post photo processing.
By Vanessa Penrose
What do you find to be the greatest challenges and rewards of being an iPhoneographer?
The greatest reward for me is in exploring the things I am curious about and in rediscovering old pictures and transforming them in to something new . iPhoneography has opened my eyes to the world around me enabling me to explore through the lens and create art that I enjoy through post processing.
What is your creative advice to others who are inspired but don’t know where to start?
Make a start – carry your iphone/ipod with you snap away and just play… expect to get a little obsessed, to create pictures you don’t really like and lots and lots that you do like and then if you like share them…
Vanessa, thanks so much for this interview! For sharing where you are just now in your creative process and for all your great app advice!
Find out More about Vanessa Penrose