Meeting for iPhoneography Mentoring
iPhone photo: winter's night.
Drinking tea and laughing. Geeking out, testing settings and photo apps, experimenting to see which camera app would perform best on a dark winter's afternoon. Anne and I just met for an iPhoneography mentoring session, and since she lives in Stockholm we could meet in person. We took a closer look at some apps for creating mobile art and photography and talked about Anne's new, exciting iPhoneography projects.
The mentoring process that's part of the Creative iPhoneograpy Course is a component that helps you bring your newfound creative discoveries into your daily life, and prevent it from being a course that quietly fizzles out after you've completed it. During the mentoring process, you get individual support and help with your own creative iPhoneography projects.
Another beautiful aspect of the course is the diverse, international community of like-minded people connecting around creative discoveries. Between your own findings, the group component and the individual, personal mentoring phase you have several routes for developing your creative thinking, growing your iPhoneography skills and building momentum expressing yourself.
Students are spread out all over the world, and because of the distances, we usually we do our mentoring sessions as a free internet call with Skype. Speaking of which, it's soon time to meet Jen for her mentoring session, I can't wait to hear where she is in her creative process!