Illustrator Kate England


The journal of Kate England

On My Mind in January


On My Mind. A monthly mix of thoughts, inspiration, sparks of genius, beauty and laughter accompanied by my monthly colour palette.

  • The Ebb & Flow of Creativity: 2018 was a year of flow. I hope 2019 will continue to flow! 

  • TV: An epic adaptation of Victor Hugo's classic novel Les Miserables in which an extraordinary cast of characters struggle to survive in war-torn France. A story of love, injustice, redemption and hope. BBC One

  • In my Kitchen: A pot of tea and a new mug that is a shade of sunshine yellow. For supper: Winter bliss bowl with falafel. And here’s the recipe for a perfect hummus.

  • On my Radio: Despite all the boundless conveniences of the digital world, it can sometimes feel as if something has been lost in the transition to an intangible, instantaneous, always-on virtual society. Perhaps that’s why analogue formats remain timeless - and are more popular now than ever. “From board games and vinyl records to books, calligraphy and even old-fashioned letter writing, people are increasingly seeking avenues to bring a little more face-to-face back into their lives.” The Persistence of Analogue

  • On my Radar: “It is frustrating: you buy a new appliance then just after the warranty runs out, it gives up the ghost. You can’t repair it and can’t find anyone else to at a decent price, so it joins the global mountain of junk. You’re forced to buy a replacement, which fuels climate change from the greenhouse gases released in the manufacturing process. But help is at hand, because citizens in the EU and parts of the USA will soon get a right to repair.BBC | Climate change: 'Right to repair' gathers force.

  • On my Palette: Shades of Derbyshire winter. The shades of the landscape. Heather, greys, thistle pink, and a black leather jacket.